



Graduate students, are you interested in developing skills that will make you more 在工作场所适销对路,效率高? 在2023-24学年,毕业生 School will sponsor “预备专业人士”, a professional development workshop series open to all 研究生 to help improve “transferable skills” that will 让你在竞争日益激烈的就业市场中脱颖而出. 可转让的 skills include those abilities that cross 学科, such as leadership, effective communication, ability to problem solve and manage projects, professionalism, and 其他人.

学生 may choose the option to earn a digital badge that can be affixed to digital 简历或履历,领英和其他社交媒体账户. 徽章链接到描述 of the skills learned and provides a digital credential that can be viewed by prospective employers, hiring committees, and 其他人 who will be interested in your preparedness 对于劳动力来说.

预备专业人士 (PIP) is a two-semester professional development program 组成:

Workshops and seminars which will be held approximately twice monthly from 12-1p.m. 每周四在J.B. 乔治大厦142室.


  • 面试技巧
  • 有效的沟通
  • 出版和同行评审
  • 礼仪与风度
  • 面试技巧
  • 学术道德与诚信

Mentorship workshops including case study discussions with faculty experts will provide training on managing real life situations that may occur between faculty and their 研究生. 

三分钟论文: 将于2023年11月9日至10日举行. 参赛者将参加一年一度的300米比赛 which requires them to present the importance of their research to a general audience 不到三分钟. 参赛者将争夺总冠军的头衔 以及丰厚的奖金.

苏珊一个. Siltanen研究生研究研讨会: 将于2024年4月18日星期四举行. 参与者将提交摘要和演讲 他们在年度研讨会上的研究. 学生将与其他毕业生竞争 在特定类别中获得最佳演讲的学生将获得奖金. 

  • 学生 will work independently to complete an IDP and submit electronically no later 2024年4月12日星期五. 提交的作品将根据思考程度评分, completeness, and organization using a standard rubric (provided by Dean Coats).
  • All students must address the requirements of the rubric and develop the IDP using 一个适合他们学科的模板.  例子包括: 美国心理学会; 美国科学促进会; 美国化学学会.  
  • Please do not simply fill out one of the templates, as there should be a synthesis 关于信息.  所有的国内流离失所者必须与你的导师/专业教授进行审查 提交. 
  • 提交你的 个人发展计划!


PIP研讨会将在美国九游国际棋牌亲自举行.B. 乔治 楼142室 . 每次研讨会结束后,我们将在PIP网站上发布一段录音. 学生 who are unable to attend in-person can view the recordings and complete a 车间后的调查,以获得出席的学分. 


In this interactive session, we will discuss how to adapt messages to various audiences, how to prepare for speaking in different professional settings, and considerations 用于虚拟教学和视觉辅助.

推荐者: Dr. 劳拉·斯滕格里姆——传播学院院长

视频密码: GradSchool2023




Please join USM's 2022 Three Minute Thesis Grand Champion, Evan Stacy, as he facilitates this session providing valuable advice on how to prepare for the research competition. During this workshop, participants will be introduced to 3MT competition guidelines 和最后期限. 这个研讨会对所有研究生开放,将会很有帮助 for students preparing for their next job interview when you may be asked to give 电梯演讲. 

推荐者: 埃文·斯泰西- 2022年三分钟论文大赛冠军

视频密码: GradSchool2023




从1000英尺的高度介绍拨款写作. 寻找资金,组织提案, 写作是为了销售.

推荐者: Dr. Julie Cwikla - Director of Creativity and innovation in STEM, Director of Center STEM教育 



推荐者: Dr. Julie Cwikla - Director of Creativity and innovation in STEM, Director of Center STEM教育 


"Mindset Matters" is a dynamic session that explores the value and purpose of activating 创业心态. 与会者将在离开时加深对……的理解 this mindset and how to apply it in their personal, academic, and professional lives

推荐者: Dr. 詹姆斯·威尔科克斯,孵化场主管

视频密码: GradSchool2023




加入博士. 山姆布鲁顿,研究诚信USM的办公室主任,为一个互动 讨论研究中出现的各种伦理问题.  主题包括 人类受试者研究伦理,研究不端行为和作者伦理.  

推荐者: Dr. 塞缪尔·布鲁顿,研究诚信办公室主任

视频密码: GradSchool2023




True Colors is an interactive workshop that helps you create the opportunity for self-discovery 改善沟通. 通过完成真彩培训,你会得到发展 into more effective teammates, collaborators, leaders, thinkers, and innovators able 与来自不同背景和各行各业的人互动.

推荐者: Dr. 艾米丽·霍姆斯-领导和学生参与办公室主任

视频密码: GradSchool2024




This workshop will provide a broad overview of conference etiquette across academic 学科. Drs. 阿尔福德和邦菲尔斯将讨论研究生可以期待什么 at a variety of academic conferences, review positive behaviors students can engage in while attending conference events, and provide real-life examples of conference 与观众讨论的行为.

主持人: Dr. 马克·奥尔福德,植物标本室的教授和馆长. 凯尔西·邦菲尔斯——助理 心理学院教授

视频密码: GradSchool2024




You have done all the work to write an amazing thesis and earn your degree, but how can you make sure that you're competitive in a 就业市场 full of talented people? You would be surprised how many mistakes 研究生 make when they're on the 就业市场. 参加本课程,了解高等院校的就业市场文化 教育,并学习一些技巧和技巧,以避免可预防的陷阱! 是否 you're going on the market this year, or in the future—bring your questions and learn.

主持人: Dr. 马特·凯西-人文学院主任和博士. 斯科特·皮兰德-董事 运动与营养学院

视频密码: GradSchool2024




主持人: Krystyna Varnado - Senior Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Todd Jackson -地区发展伙伴关系执行副总裁 

视频密码: GradSchool2024




Job market complexity creates opportunities for people who can skillfully negotiate 雇佣条款和条件. 每种情况都是独一无二的,但有些策略, tactics, and principles can help you address many of the issues people face in negotiating 与雇主. 参加这个研讨会,学习如何协商一份工作 机智而自信地要求你想要的东西.

推荐者: Dr. Sarah Morgan - Associate Director and Professor of School of Polymer Science and 工程

视频密码: GradSchool2024




Proper dining etiquette is essential for making a favorable impression at both lunch/dinner 面试以及社会商业环境. 本工作坊将讨论 礼仪的历史和规则是如何随着时间的推移而演变和改变的. 我们将讨论 value of dining etiquette in the modern workplace and how understanding various rules 能提高一个人的职业形象吗. 午餐将提供给所有与会者. 学生将需要提交可退还的20美元押金以确认出席. 学生 参加工作坊的人士可获全额退还20元订金. 

推荐者: Ms. 琳达蒙哥马利



Upon successful completion of the program, participants will have the option to receive a digital badge that can be affixed to digital CV’s or résumés, LinkedIn, and other 社交媒体账户. 该徽章链接到作为一名学生学习的技能的描述 part of the program and provides a digital credential that can be viewed by prospective employers, hiring committees, and 其他人 who will be interested in your preparedness 对于劳动力来说. 对于选择数字徽章选项的学生,其费用为 项目是50美元.

  • 每学期至少参加5次定期研讨会
  • 参加三分钟论文 研究生研究研讨会
  • 提交个人发展计划
  • 提交PIP数字徽章申请和50美元费用

1. 不在九游国际棋牌的学生可以参加专业人士的活动吗 准备项目?

Yes, we will record each workshop and post the video on the 研究生院 website. 学生 who are unable to attend a workshop in person can view the recording and 提交工作坊后的调查以获得出席的学分.

2. 如果我正在做一个研究项目或作业怎么办? 我将介绍这个 工作符合通信竞赛要求?

是的,展示一个项目而不是一篇论文不会有问题. 你会 still be required to present your research at both the Three-Minute Thesis and the 研究生研究研讨会.

3. 什么是电子徽章?

A digital badge links to a permanent description of the skills learned in the program 并提供一份可以被未来雇主看到的证书. 可以添加 to your curriculum vita, résumé, LinkedIn account, or other 社交媒体账户.

4. 电子徽章是否有相关费用? 

对于选择获得数字徽章的学生,该计划的费用为50美元. A 徽章计划的链接将根据要求提供.

For more information or to request a link to the digital badge application, contact 网站Shaadi Shoubaki (网站Shaadi.ShoubakiFREEMississippi).