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Compliance and Ethics

State Authorization Process

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九游会国际必须确定学生的位置来遵守 联邦法规的要求以及履行其作为参会者的义务 国家授权互惠协议国家委员会的机构 (NC-SARA).  


  • §34 CFR 668.43 (a)(5)(v) requires professional licensure disclosures be made so that 学生将了解州执照要求是什么.  
  • 34 CFR 668.43(c)(3)(ii) requires that institutions determine where students are located 建立一种方法来确定学生的位置 在入学时,如果学生通知他们的位置已经改变.  


九游会国际是参与NC-SARA的机构之一 which allows us to offer distance education in 49 states and 2 protectorates (U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico). NC-SARA also requires reporting of data regarding student location and disclosure of how location is determined by our institution.  Additionally, NC-SARA Policy Manual Rule 5.2 requires participating institution to comply with federal professional licensure disclosure requirements. 


遵守NC-SARA参与要求,联邦法规,并支持 我们的学生在理解他们的位置的影响的能力,以及 执照要求,九游会国际(“USM”)规定 以下流程涉及搬迁、选址、报告和许可 disclosures.

Student Location Determination 

  • USM每学期收集学生的物理位置信息 the registration process. Students provide their physical address in Southern’s Online Accessible Records (SOAR) system as part of the registration process.  
  • 使用物理地址信息,USM将确定学生的位置 to provide accurate professional licensure disclosures and reporting. 
  • 学生必须在地址变更后的三十(30)天内更新他们的信息.  
  • 每个学期,所有这些学生都将获得执照或认证 are provided a disclosure based on the location information they provide.  
  • 每次本地地址变更被启动,学生们就会获得执照 或认证提供了一个直接披露相对于程序在 the state they have identified as their local address.  
    Student Location Reporting 
    USM将提供学生位置的分类数据给NC-SARA和国家 高等教育综合数据系统(IPEDS) each year.  

Student Relocation  
搬迁后,开始一个USM程序可以有不利的影响相对于财务 and licensure. Students should consider these impacts before relocating and can obtain information about these impacts by contacting the resources listed below.  

  • Potential Financial Impact - Relocating to another state (i.e., a state in which the student was not originally (在他们被录取的时候),同时完成一个项目 是否会影响学生是否可以留在项目中,满足国家执照 requirements and/or continue to receive financial aid funding. Please contact the USM财政援助部门讨论搬迁前搬迁的影响 see their web page for their contact information-  
  • Potential Licensure Impact- 根据国家具体的规章制度,当个人提交 他们申请执照,每个州的专业执照委员会都可能有 distinct requirements in place.  Before considering relocation, contact the program coordinator to discuss authorization and licensure eligibility requirements. Program coordinators are listed on the following page (listed by college):

International Student Relocation 
其他国家,他们的执照委员会,以及执照和认证机构 是否对获得专业执照的课程有特定要求 certification.  It is the responsibility of the students to determine whether completion 他们所选择的课程将满足专业的任何教育要求 licensure in their country. Keep in mind that additional requirements for licensure unrelated to education may apply.   


各州也可能有具体的执照/实习/实习要求,包括: 但不限于,犯罪背景调查,指纹识别和药物筛查.

了解这些要求可以使学生做出明智的决定 their program of study.   Therefore, we highly recommend that students contact the 在他们居住的州或他们所在的州适用的执照委员会 打算在开始导致获得许可证的程序之前获得许可证 certification as well as prior to beginning any internship/practicum. State laws, 法规和政策可能随时发生变化,这些变化是要求 是否会影响项目满足执照教育要求的能力.

Disclosure Process- 根据上述义务,USM公开专业执照 给学生的信息,导致执照或认证,通过 the following mechanisms: 

Licensing Board Information-披露内容还包括许可委员会的联系信息.  

Student Role In Process

在USM注册任何课程之前,未来的学生生活和/或工作 在美国以外的地区应向相应的认证机构确认 成功完成USM的任何学位课程是否符合认证要求 他们打算在哪个国家寻求就业的某些要求 types of employment or for advanced/specialized educational programs. State laws, 法规和政策可能随时发生变化,这些变化是要求 是否会影响项目满足执照教育要求的能力.

虽然USM将提供专业的执照和认证披露,但它仍然存在 学生完成执照或认证课程的责任 向学生居住州或学校的执照委员会查询 学生打算获得最新信息许可的州 and requirements. 

Frequency of Licensure Data Updates-从2025年7月1日开始,USM将每年进行许可证研究和更新。 and every year thereafter.  

Questions- Email complianceFREEMississippi